Welcome to this corner of the Internet!
This is the website of Mihai Maruseac. I was planning to name it
Through a Haskell lens
, given that I plan to write technical
content (technology, math, physics, etc.) which usually would involve
some Haskell code. However, sometimes I might post stuff about history,
movies, music, or – very rarely – personal matters. So, a more personal
title is a better fit.
Currently, there are 20 articles, listed below:
- Testing graph databases
- Battery power profiles and performance
- Visual differential geometry and forms - 2
- About that limit from VDGF
- Using AI to add support for diagrams
- Visual differential geometry and forms - 1
- Errors, exceptions and monads
- Why NixOS is the perfect OS for me
- Computing the binary expression for isDigit
- Evolving isDigit
- New hindent release comes with SLSA guarantees
- Can ChatGPT code?
- A puzzle that puzzled ChatGPT
- Babylonians used floating point numbers
- About comments
- Why do I blog?
- A personal history of blogging
- Privacy
- Personal internet profiles
- About me